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【Medchemexpress】Collagenase: The Ideal Choice for Tissue and Monolayer Cell Dissociation

  • 2024/08/26
  • サプライヤニュース


MedChemExpress-Master of Small Molecules (Inhibitors. Screening Libraries. Proteins)
What is Collagenase?
Collagenase, also known as collagen proteinase, is isolated from Clostridium histolyticum, a spore-forming bacterium. It specifically recognizes the Pro-X-Gly-Pro sequence in collagen and cleaves the peptide bond between the neutral amino acid (X) and glycine (Gly) in that sequence. It is commonly used for the preparation of primary cells.
How to Dissociate Tissue with Collagenase?
1. After dissecting the tissue from the living organism, wash the tissue with culture medium/PBS/HBSS. Then, use a sterile surgical knife or scissors to cut the tissue into small blocks and wash them with HBSS.
2. Add enough HBSS to submerge the tissue blocks and add collagenase to the requiredconcentration. Incubate at 37°C.
3. Collect dispersed cells using a cell filter/nylon mesh sieve.
4. Wash the collected cells several times with HBSS or culture medium without collagenase.
5. Resuspend the cells in pre-cooled cell culture medium.
Overview of Work Flow
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of collagenase tissue dissociation[1].
MedChemExpress — Master of Bioactive Molecules
MedChemExpress (MCE) offers different types of collagenase, including collagenase Type I, II, III, IV, and V, which can be used for tissue dissociation in different types of samples.
MedChemExpress Products
Product Name Description
Collagenase, Type I For the isolation of epithelial cells, liver, lung, adipose tissue, and adrenal tissue cells.
Collagenase, Type II For the isolation of primary cells from bone, heart, liver, thyroid, and salivary glands.
Collagenase, Type III For the isolation of primary breast cells.
Collagenase, Type IV For islet cell isolation, separating connective tissue into individual cells.
Collagenase, Type V For islet cell isolation, separating connective tissue into individual cells.
[1] Cytometry A. 2019;95(2):219-226.
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